Chambers of industry organizes a solidarity stand with the Gaza Strip

وقفة التضامن مع غزة

The chambers of Industry organized, at the Amman Chamber of industry building, on Monday, a solidarity stand with the brothers in the Gaza Strip, with the participation of members of the boards of Directors of the Amman, Irbid and Zarqa chambers of industry, representatives of the industrial sectors in the Amman Chamber of industry, and workers in the industrial sector.

The president of the Jordan and Amman chambers of industry, engineer Fathi al-Jaghbir, confirmed that this solidarity stand comes as a complement to the campaign of collecting material and in-kind donations, launched by the chambers of industry earlier, with the aim of supporting the resilience of the brothers in the Gaza Strip in light of the brutal attack it is witnessing, explaining that the Jordanian industrial sector has always been a supporter and supporter of the Arab peoples in all the adversities they are exposed to, especially the Palestinian people, because of the special relationship that unites the Jordanian and Palestinian peoples.

During the solidarity vigil, Al-Jaghbir read out a statement issued by the chambers of industry that read:

“We, in the chambers of industry of Jordan, Amman, Zarqa and Irbid, condemn and condemn the brutal aggression of the Zionist occupation on the Gaza Strip, the killing of innocent citizens, the imposition of a comprehensive blockade and the cutting off of medical, food, water and electricity supplies, and we also condemn the abuse of Palestinian citizens in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem by the occupation authorities.

The Jordanian industrial sector, based on its National, national and religious duty, will continue to support the Palestinian cause, as is the case of the Jordanian leadership and people, who have always been the support and help for the brothers in Palestine, where we will work to provide material and in-kind assistance to the Palestinian brothers, even if we know that whatever this support, it does not amount to the slightest sacrifices made by the Great Palestinian people.

The Jordanian industrial sector affirms its full support for His Majesty The King’s positions on the Palestinian issue, which he has expressed on many occasions, the most important of which is that there is no peace and no stability in the region without a just and comprehensive solution and the restoration of the Palestinian people’s legitimate rights on its national soil and the establishment of its independent state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

From this position, we call on the honorable and free people of the world, especially the media brothers, to take urgent action at all levels to put the world in the picture of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories, of barbaric aggression, and to convey the truth as it is, not as it is seen by the advocate of freedom and democracy, to hasten the end of this aggression and to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip.

Through this solidarity stand, we send a message of solidarity to our brothers in Gaza, assuring them that we are putting all our capabilities and capabilities to support their Just Cause, praying to God Almighty to support them over their enemies and the enemies of the nation.

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